
Money / Euroradio​
Money / Euroradio​
Almost 37% of Belarusians expect further decline in income. Only 6.3% are positive about future.
Former top manager of EPAM Maksim Bahratsou / Euroradio
Former top manager of EPAM Maksim Bahratsou / Euroradio
Member of the Coordination Council believes that this indicates a loss of confidence in the current government.
Belarus wants to raise the tariff for the transit of Russian oil by about 25% / Belta
Belarus wants to raise the tariff for the transit of Russian oil by about 25% / Belta
Belarus justifies the tariff increase by revenue shortfall in 2020 due to the reduction of oil pumping from Russia.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /​
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /​
And it does not plan new projects in our country.
Five more strikers / @stachkom​
Five more strikers / @stachkom​
On Monday, the strike was announced by 5 more people.
The IT company, where the strike took place, fired all workers /​
The IT company, where the strike took place, fired all workers /​
Apart from managers, only a newly hired tester is currently employed with the company.
Delegation from Africa at the Minsk Tractor Plant /​
Delegation from Africa at the Minsk Tractor Plant /​
The government says this is promising. But in reality, the cooperation is fragile.
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio file​
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio file​
Vilnius has reacted to the inclusion of the first power unit of the Belarusian NPP into the unified energy grid of our country.
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio​
Belarusian NPP / Euroradio​
Belarus postpones the commissioning of the NPP after adjusting development plans for the electric power industry until 2025.