
The Nezhinsk mine sees little to no activity / Euroradio
The Nezhinsk mine sees little to no activity / Euroradio
Construction works suspended, Chinese workers cannot return home.
Google Lost Court in Belarus / Alex Tai/SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Sipa
Google Lost Court in Belarus / Alex Tai/SOPA Images/Sipa USA/Sipa
The company was found guilty of violating antitrust measures.
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted /
There are no prerequisites for sanctions to be lifted /
The sanctions are working despite the growth of trade, and their effect is becoming commonplace in Belarus, said the expert.
Yara's purchases are much larger than its exports to Norway / Euroradio
Yara's purchases are much larger than its exports to Norway / Euroradio
Belarus can find a buyer instead of Yara, but the trade will no longer be as convenient and profitable.
Yara will no longer purchase Belaruskali products / Euroradio
Yara will no longer purchase Belaruskali products / Euroradio
The Norwegian giant Yara, a key partner of Belaruskali, decides to back off from Belarus over the US and EU sanctions issues.
Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Was the statement about Crimea meant for the one viewer who could give us a loan? / Reuters
Sanctions or Lukashenka's stance on Crimea, Belarus will continue to lose money. There are only two options.
Lukashenka called Crimea part of Russia in an interview with a Russian TV propagandist / Euroradio 
Lukashenka called Crimea part of Russia in an interview with a Russian TV propagandist / Euroradio 
Ukraine promises sanctions but can hurt herself due to close economic ties with Belarus.
Inflation in Belarus could reach 10% at year-end / sample photo by the  "Minsk-News" agency
Inflation in Belarus could reach 10% at year-end / sample photo by the  "Minsk-News" agency
Only 5.4% of Belarusians can boast of an income of a thousand and a half rubles or more
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Russia exports oil to Belarus on friendly terms/collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Classified imports from Russia is growing, while the Navapolack refinery has enough for Belarus, Ukraine and international hubs.