
The festival of Belarusian culture was organized by the campaign Do Better.

Lukashenka urges to pay more attention to the studies of the mother tongue in Belarusian schools.

Our creative compatriots are studying Britain’s experience in famous theatres, museums and concert halls in London.

The writer learns the news from Euroradio and considers his European science fiction prize to be an advance prize for his novel Language.

The magazine Kosmoport and writer Victar Martsinovich have been awarded.

This is the oldest Belarusian literary monument created almost a thousand years ago.

Belarusian music accounted for a mandatory 75 per cent of FM radio broadcasts over the past ten years in Belarus.

Only 148 classes study in the mother tongue in the Belarusian capital Minsk.

Russia's prominent mucisian and dissident Andrei Makarevich faces harsh stigmatization in Russia over his pro-Ukrainian stance in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.