Business in Belarus

EPAM / MC today
EPAM / MC today
The company was able to get its money only a month later.
Aleksander Moshensky /
Aleksander Moshensky /
Santa Bremor owner Aleksander Moshensky once again slips off the EU sanctions list, an Icelandic media report suggests.
This is how the opening of "Knihauka" was prepared / Publishing house "Janushkevich"
This is how the opening of "Knihauka" was prepared / Publishing house "Janushkevich"
The bookstore was searched on Monday.
The fall of the economy into the abyss has stalled / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
The fall of the economy into the abyss has stalled / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
We can forget about economic growth for a long time.
A1 - Belarus' largest cellular operator
A1 - Belarus' largest cellular operator
Mexican giant America Movil votes to leave the Belarusian market.
Wargaming will distance itself from business in Belarus and Russia /
Wargaming will distance itself from business in Belarus and Russia /
The company decided to distance itself from business in "toxic" countries.
Reforms will help the Belarusian economy grow by more than 1% a year / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio​
Reforms will help the Belarusian economy grow by more than 1% a year / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio​
Reforms in the new Belarus will be much easier than it was in the 90s.
Managing a fleet of vehicles is hard, particularly when you have so many different types of vehicles in your company.
Pavel Topuzidis, Viktor Prokopenya, Aleksander Moshensky / collage by Euroradio
Pavel Topuzidis, Viktor Prokopenya, Aleksander Moshensky / collage by Euroradio
Euroradio takes a closer look at the Belarusian entrepreneurs loyal to Lukashenka who have escaped the Western sanctions.