Business in Belarus

In addition, 2015 will see a threefold increase of VAT.

The Belarusian statistics agency Belstat publishes shocking information about the financial results of Belarusian companies.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka will visit Minsk trade centre Expobel on March 17.

The head of state decides to meet entrepreneurs on 'their' territory once again ten years after the first meeting.

President Lukashenka is scheduled to pay a visit to the Expobel trade center in Minsk on March 17.

The public association Perspektyva that unites self-employed entrepreneurs in Belarus published online a copy of the president's edict draft.

Entrepreneurs have faced no fines yet over the lack of necessary quality certificates since March 1.

But the taxes will be increased.

Chairman of the public association of entrepreneurs Perspektyva warns that raising taxes for entrepreneurs will affect prices.