Belarusian-Chinese cooperation

Joint Belarusian-Chinese drill 

Joint Belarusian-Chinese drill  / "Ваяр"

At the "Brestsky" training ground.
Emblem of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization 

Emblem of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization  /

Now, Lukashenka will start meeting with the leadership of China more often.
BKG2 electric locomotive 

BKG2 electric locomotive  /

Chinese electric locomotives have a lot of components imported from the West. Are the sanctions working?
Lukashenka's regime hopes to find a place in the Asian alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Lukashenka's regime hopes to find a place in the Asian alliance / collage by Ulad Rubanau, Euroradio
Lukashenka's regime is using participation in the SCO for PR with no obvious benefits
Aliaksandr Lukashenka met with Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyun /
Aliaksandr Lukashenka met with Chinese Ambassador to Belarus Xie Xiaoyun /
Lukashenka doesn't want China to suffer losses over the sanctions.
Design of a new stadium in Minsk.
Design of a new stadium in Minsk.
Construction of 'Chinese gifts' - a football arena and a swimming pool - begins in Minsk.
Chinese tourists in Belarus /
Chinese tourists in Belarus /
Belarus freezes tourism deals with China over coronavirus, could resume normal business in May if the outbreak is localized now.
Belarus may use the emergency loan from China to support its gold and currency reserves.
China Development Bank /
China Development Bank /
Belarus will use the Chinese loan to service external debt, maintain the gold and currency reserve and boost bilateral trade.