Belarus opposition to gather signatures for European integration

The European Belarus, a long-term campaign for Belarus to enter the European Union, has been announced. The campaign's policy supported by the United Democratic Forces, was presented today at a news conference in Minsk by Viktar Ivashkevich, Mikola Statkevich, Andreis Sannikau and Mikhail Marynich.

Andrei Sannikau, Belarus's former deputy foreign minister, has described the goals of the campaign as follows:

“We announce this campaign in order to stress the choice for integration into Europe for the sake of Belarus's future”.

In the framework of the program, the opposition plans to recruit thousands of volunteers in order to gathers hundreds of thousands of signatures under the appeal to the EU governing bodies.

Acording to Mikola Statkevich, they want to prove that "the people of Belarus has the wil to be part of the free European family".