Automobile accidents

The incident happened on Sunday night at the 28th km of Minsk-Vitsebsk road in Lahoisk district.

The incident happened in the Independence Ave near Barysauski Trakt metro station.

The two drivers - a police officer and a pensioner - were injured.

The tragedy happened last night in Drahichyn district at the Kobryn-Homel road (1 km north from Antopal).

This is the maximum term for such a crime. His driving license has been suspended for 5 years.

The traffic police clarified the circumstances of the accident with Minsk city bus that happened on October 7 in Dzyarzhynski Avenue.

The bus #96 got into an accident in Minsk.

The incident with a BMW 3-Series and a tram happened in Horki Street.

The road accident occurred in the 14th kilometre on Minsk ring road on September 13.