Zmicier Lukashuk

Tell the Truth! campaign experts react to police raids at a news conference in Minsk.

There may be Belarusian citizens among them but former Soviet states take their time accepting “Soviet” people as their citizens.

Experts reckon our girls travel to the neighboring country and end up as sex workers.

Asipenka and Laryn have been sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment in a colony and a lieutenant colonel Kazlou has been imprisoned for 2 years. Their property ha

In case of victory, Milinkevich promises $10 billion in investments for the Belarusian economy, reforms for courts, healthcare and utilities, European education

The European Radio for Belarus offers the Top 10 of local election candidates with the highest income and explores how it may affect their campaigns.

The early voting for local elections began in Belarus at 1000 on April 20. The European Radio for Belarus is trying to find out if the early voting procedure is

Postcards "Say the Truth!" with the complaints from citizens were not accepted by the Presidential Administration. Similar postcards were received by a janitor

Lawmakers will consider three times less legislations during this year's spring session than two years ago. There will be only one legislation draft in the Bela