Zmicier Lukashuk

Belarusian enterprises refuse to work with unknown Russian clients on respite conditions, in spite of multi-million contracts.

During the press-breakfast, Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu avoided disclaiming of thesises of his pre-electoral program, gave some advice to Lukashenka and promised to tur

The head of the Central Election Commission promised during its first meeting dedicated to the presidential elections that commissions wuold be made to allow ca

The Chairperson of the Central Elections Commission confessed that Aliaksandr Lukashenka is interested in having as many good and different competitors at the e

Edward Shapiro explained how to visit Israel without leaving Minsk, in his speech in the "Centralny" cinema, while the director Boris Maftsir told how a "Belavi

European Radio for Belarus found out about the adventures of presidential contenders during their meetings with electorate.

Last respects to the journalist Aleh Biabenin were paid in Minsk. His death left more questions than answers: friends and family do not believe the official ver

Israeli reporters became agricultural tourists for a week, experienced Belarusian hospitality and found out why tourists from their country would not organize m

While the Intellectual Property Center wants to remain a monopoly for collecting royalties.