Zmicier Lukashuk

The BPF Party is not going to leave its current office in Masherau Street in Minsk without any struggle and will go to law.

He has spent two years in a labour camp and will have to pay 30 millions now. The driver admits his guilt but thinks that driving inspectors also have to pay.

You used to have “clean” money and not to be wanted by the Interpol for it before.

Mehmet Ali Talat has compared Belarus with the non-recognized part of Cyprus and has told what it's like for his country to live under sanctions.

Police did not attack the presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu in the evening on December 19.

To the economists' opinion, the situation with "Pinsk Wood" contradicts the Directive on liberalization, and the authorities demonstrate their attitude.

The international observing mission promises to pass such reports to the leaders of the European structures.

As Euroradio has found out, the politicians’ lawyers have not been given a chance to meet their clients this year.

It became known today that the term of detention of the ex-presidential candidate Aliaksej Mikhalevich had been prolonged for 10 days by the investigation.