Zmicier Lukashuk

Euroradio managed to call Mr. Vasilevich, and asked whether he was going to change the place of employment in the near future.

Poland's Ambassador Leszek Sherepka has told why the Belarusian Television's report made him incensed.

No journalists will be admitted so that no one too sensitive would freak out.

Liavon Volski has told Euroradio about non-turning-back points in the “N.R.M. case” and whether he wants to return this brand, at a reception in U.S. Embassy.

CEC commented upon the Ivatsevichy incident, where the special services representatives were seen burning last election's ballots.

A happening dated for the freedom of creative expression took place on the territory of the U.S. Embassy.

Information that it will be necessary to rent non-privatized flats frightened everyone.

Force structures started preparation for "Stop Petrol" action in advance.

The famous Belarusian swimmer will become an actress. Aliaksandra Herasimenia participates in a TV-series based on Andrej Kurejchyk's script.