Zmicier Lukashuk

Head of the EU's representation in Belarus Maira Moora has said this at the press-conference.

Poland's Ambassador spoke on the most painful issues in Poland's and the EU's relations with Belarus at the press-conference in Minsk.

The activist of Femen who is already in Kiev has commented on her abduction for Euroradio. According to her, a new trip to Belarus is being prepared.

According to non-confirmed information, FEMEN activists spent the night in the Maskouski district police department in Minsk.

"Black could. White Angel. Eternal enemies - the Dragon and the Eagle”, - sings Syarhei Mihalok.

The organizers of the fund-raising campaign aimed at paying for “the damage done by Byalyatski” are hoping that it will help reduce the human rights defender’s

FEMEN activist Alexandra Shevchenko has told Euroradio why they are going to undress in Minsk and what they have prepared for their possible arrest.

Activists of the Ukrainian movement FEMEN are planning to organize an action in Minsk on December 19.

Hillary Clinton recalled political prisoners at the session of OSCE Ministerial Council and Canada condemned the Belarusian authorities