Zmicier Lukashuk

Anatol Lyabedzka is claimed to have received $4 million from Georgia for breaking down the regime.

This is a 20% boost in funding against 2012.

Four investigators have changed over the past 13 years to crack Yury Zakharenka's disappearance case. The fifth one is working on it now.

The MEPs will discuss the parliamentary campaign's results and perspectives of development with representatives of six political forces in Belarus.

Only ex-candidate Yaraslau Ramanchuk says he has no more presidential ambitions.

Euroradio has found out how the House of Representatives members work on the draft state budget.

Lithuanian MEP Egidius Vareikis tells Euroradio why they don't want to coperate with the newly elected House of Representatives.

The number of government employees at ministries and state agencies remains a secret even for statistics.

The police lack prestige, ex-Minister Yury Sivakou thinks.