Zmicier Lukashuk

Head of the single candidate's team-2010 Syarhei Kalyakin has claimed that he worked for a candidate he did not support.

Still, he doesn't reveal the exact date when he's going to change the job.

One party and two civil initiatives have joined the negotiations so far.

Andrei Tur is waiting "for changes in our mind", Yarmoshyna thinks that the end of the world is connected with her ex and Volski believes in "black lists".

Lyabedzka visits diplomats disguised as Father Frost, members of Nyaklyayeu's team dance to rock'n'roll and the left - to Kalyakin's guitar.

Poland's Ambassador tells Euroradio why they cannot overcome Belarusian hackers and how they are going to replace the electronic registration.

The 2012 amnesty frees hackers, entrepreneurs and people convicted for office abuse.

Everyone would be able to compare officials' income to their watches if it were done.

Can surnames help in your career or personal life?