Zmicier Lukashuk

File photo.
File photo.
Minister Shunevich tells Euroradio the drones might be not stolen but lost due to 'technical failure’ or ‘operator’s error.’
Photo: BELTA
Photo: BELTA
The suggestions made by BAJ and MP Hanna Kanapatskaya will be considered by a special commission only after the first reading.
Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
Photo: Zmicier Lukashuk, Euroradio
The former Constitutional Court head chose to speak Belarusian at a round-table discussion on legislation amendments with MPs.
House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee head Valery Varanetski. Photo: Euroradio
House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committee head Valery Varanetski. Photo: Euroradio
Authorities in Belarus want a consolidated society, MP and former deputy foreign minister Valery Varanetski says.
Andrei Bastunets. Photo: Euroradio
Andrei Bastunets. Photo: Euroradio
BAJ's chair Andrei Bastunets plans to meet with the minister too find out what changes will be made to the Law on Mass Media.
Belarus' Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich at a book exposition in Minsk in Macrh 2018, Euroradio image
Belarus' Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich at a book exposition in Minsk in Macrh 2018, Euroradio image
Interior minister says authorities and organizers need to find common language and mark Freedom Day on 25 Mar in a civilized way.
Defense industry commentator Aliaksandr Alesin. Image: Euroradio
Defense industry commentator Aliaksandr Alesin. Image: Euroradio
Euroradio talks to military analyst Aliaksandr Alesin about Belarus making it into the list of world's largest arms exporters.
Minsk Dialogue expert Yauhen Preyherman
Minsk Dialogue expert Yauhen Preyherman
It will be harder for Belarus to convince the Kremlin why we are of a better use as a venue for talks than a home to their bases.
Photo: picture
Photo: picture
The land cadastre has attributed another person’s flat to an activist of the Movement For Freedom.