Zmicier Lukashuk

A group of journalists that planned to cover a protest action near the Russian embassy in Minsk was briefly detained in Belarus capital.

Ex-deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Valeri Chaly has told it to Euroradio.

Minsk Pershamaiski District Court has fined ex-lawyer Mihail Zhardzetski for Br650 thousand.

Economist Leanid Zaika says government's decision to allow state enterprises to sell stock at prices lower than prime cost is 'a farewell resolution'.

It remains a mystery for human rights defenders who took this decision and who and why can be recognized as political prisoners.

The Israeli Ambassador should apologize for his words instead of hushing up the conflict, the politician thinks.

Seven candidates in Homel's Navabelistkaya constituency will run for the vacant MP seat on Local Election Day on March 23, 2014.

FEMEN leader Ganna Gutsol explains why they are not in Maidan, how the girls survive in Paris and whether they remember Lukashenka.

The workers who violate labor discipline are to blame for low-quality products and overloaded storehouses, according to authorities in Belarus.