Zmicier Lukashuk

It will be possible to negotiate with Russia only when it understands that nothing can be done with the help of the war and stops supporting separatists, political scientists think.

Opposition leaders: it will harm both the political prisoner and democratic forces. Regular campaign will be impossible.

Not much time is left before the presidential election campaign-2015 but there is still no information about the single opposition candidate.

The expanded list includes the oil and gas sector companies Novotek, Rosneft, Vneshekonombank, and Gasprombank.

The sources claim that the politician is under guard in the transit zone of the Minsk-2 airport now.

The Chargé d'Affaires a.i. let Chubais the cat enter a new building first and said what he had not managed to do during his work in Belarus.

Ales Bialiatski was not included in the amnesty but was amnestied on its first day. The other political prisoners’ situation is more complicated.

The ex-political prisoner has explained whether he plead for mercy, believed in his release and why he had lived in his boxes for three years.

The work of the new European Parliament may start with a scandal – a pro-Putin faction of nationalists and eurosceptics has been created.