Zmicier Lukashuk

EU representative visited Belarus and met with MFA officials.

The Motor Sich missile engines, worth $ hundreds of millions, are in warehouses but Ukrainian manufacturers seem to know how to find a solution.

Opposition leaders discussed the current state of human rights in Belarus with EU ambassadors.

Milinkevich is the most popular with Popular Front members, while Fair World's communists are yet choose whom to support – Kalyakin or Lukashenka.

Valery Vakulchuk has talked to MPs and answered journalists’ questions.

Leonid Kuchma arrived at the contact group negotiations about 7 pm.

The press office of Belarusian MFA confirms to Euroradio the contact group will meet in the afternoon in President Hotel.

After four days of negotiations, 8 Ukrainian soldiers are freed from rebels' captivity even without exchange.

The US officials on a visit to Minsk sought opportunities for interaction, but asked difficult questions.