Zmicier Lukashuk

The case against journalist Aliaksandr Alesin was suspended "due to the inability of the investigation."
50 POWs from the both sides of the conflict in eastern Ukraine will be released under the deal by Minsk Contact Group.
Teachers are prepared properly and can teach children in their native language - only the desire of parents matters here.
Youth activists are also set to file complaint against university administration with prosecutor's office over re-examination fee.
The thaw in relations between Belarus and the European Union in 2015 is producing a positive effect on Minsk-Warsaw relations.
Belarusian border guards told Volodymyr Feskov he is on the list of persons banned from entering Belarus
The Polish consulates in Belarus issued 25% of visas free of charge - mainly to young people or students.
34 of them are fighting on one side, 24 - on the other.
Four deputies vote against Kabyakou as Prime Minister