Zmicier Lukashuk

Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich tells reporters policemen mistook Matskevich for another person at an unauthorized rally.
Belarus' Defense Minister Andrei Raukou says the country's new state military doctrine provides for resistance to any aggression.
They will make speeches on the last day of the parliamentary session.
It will commemorate Mikhail Zhyzneusky, Aliaksandr Charkashyn and Vitali Tsilizhanka.
Visiting Poland's foreign minister says his government understands the importance of human rights but will not push Belarus.
Belarus' state security agency KGB says it is checking if Belarus-born Doubash brothers could be involved in the Brussels attacks.
The EU, together with Belarusian officials in Minsk are trying to "overcome the contradictions."
Interior Minister says "we have found an acceptable algorithm of actions" with regard to opposition-staged street rallies.
Interior Ministry has compiled a list of Belarusians fighting on the both sides of the front in eastern Ukraine.