Zmicier Lukashuk

Ivan, Belarus’ representative at Eurovision 2016, said he did not know who Svetlana Alexievich was.
Russia's envoy in Minsk Alexander Surikov says the base in western Russia near Belarus is to prevent aggression from Ukraine.
No problem! say the opposition leaders before stressing they never share rooms or they can always defend themselves.
Lawyer Mark Feigin spoke about his plans to leave Russia and on how to win in the political trials.
Crowdfunding was not necessary to collect money for Vital Hurkou for his Muay Thai world championship, says Sports Minister.
At a meeting in Parliament with the PACE and OSCE ODIHR Tatsiana Karatkevich was the only opposition representative invited.
CEC chair Lidzia Yarmoshyna deems it unnecessary to include candidates' trustees in precinct election commissions.
The elections in Belarus should be fair and transparent, U.S. representatives say in Minsk.
At a meeting with European politicians, Belarusian opposition leaders demonstrated a willingness to unite, but said nothing about