Vital Ruhain

Chinese specialists and builders will construct the office of the “BUCC” company and a hotel for Chinese builders first.

Alyaksandr Kazulin has commented on Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s statement about the necessity to reduce the period spent as a student.

"Difficulties made us, our family, stronger" - says the ex-presidential candidate, the political refugee.

A meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee is taking place in the Lithuanian Seimas. Natallya Radzina has made the opening speech.

Google employee Ihar Mihanyok describes the early World Wide Web in Belarus.

The politician says that “lightning never strikes twice in the same place” and that he is unlikely to be sent to Maloye Sitna penal labour camp again.

Zmitser Shurkhai sent an explanatory note, in which he justified his absense in court by financial reasons —he would have to go to Mahileu region from Brest.

The cases of the activists detained during a picket in support of Zmitser Dashkevich in Horki have not been sent for trial.

14 people who came to the Horki colony to support Zmitser Dashkevich will stand trials tomorrow.