Vital Ruhain

The meeting took place in the presence of a guard.

Would Belarusians protest if they did not left for Russia to work?

Euroradio has asked Minskers on what amusements they could spend money without regret.

City traffic workers have said this to Euroradio.

Dzmitry Lepretar has informed this to Euroradio's journalist.

Human rights defenders have awarded their prizes in Minsk.

A young doctor refused to go through dactyloscopy as he did it a year ago. The policemen just dragged him out of the car and delivered to the police department.

Euroradio has asked passers-by about it in Minsk streets.

Lyubou Kavalyuova is asking Alyaksandr Lukashenka to impose a moratorium on the death penalty and to keep her son going.