Vital Ruhain

Belarusian Vital Zyalkouski has become a global internet-mem due to his photos from different countries with identical face expression.

The first one fell near Chelyabinsk... Asteroid 2012 DA14 is 45 meters in diameter - this is a 15-storeyed house or half of a football field (photo, video)

The Ministry of Health's Chief Therapist Vadzim Sushynski has told this at a press-conference in Minsk.

There are very few people in Lenin district court today.

A Polish publisher interfered and Nyaklyayeu's speech had to be shortened to 5 minutes.

The state could confiscate 26 its own cars in 2011.

Such a fine can be imposed according to the Administrative Code.

Chrystsina changes apartment after her address is published on the Internet, with threats pronounced.

The Minsker who beat the handicapped man in the metro is released after 3 days in the pre-trial detention center.