Tina Sikorskaya

The pictures were taken at “Rublyovski” supermarket in Minsk Plyahanau Street yesterday, on April 26.

World Youth Movement summarized the contest results and picked 15 winners, a Belarusian being in the top 3.

96 Poles, including the President Lech Kaczyński and his wife Maria, died near Smolensk on April 10, 2010.

A street action of the same name took place in the centre of Warsaw. Passers-by walking in the place most popular with tourists were informed

Varsovians were walking around the city with white-red-white flags the whole day and you could meet… a Lukashenka at the concert!

Euroradio has visited the museum of experimental science, which opened this year in Warsaw. It was impossible to get there before due to huge queues.

This election breaks the record with regard to the number of people who are going to decide on the country's destiny at the last moment.

Euroradio has decided to tell its audience about the world's political technologies of the recent years.

ERB has prepared a plan of actions for young and creative agitators and patriots. Do you like drawing? Singing? Making videos? Look how others do it!