Tamara Savich

Dollars and euro can still be easily bought in Minsk.

Since the start of 2015, the number of employees having their wages delayed has increased 30 times

The number of enterprises not paying wages compared to that in January has increased 30 times.

Like Nyaklyayeu, he is urging to nominate political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich for the presidential election.

If the unemployed do not do find a job today, they will become freeloaders. Belarusians must work for at least 183 days a year.

Mr Zas will perfectly follow all instructions of the President but will be replaced after the election, says expert Alesin.

Euroradio asked some of 10 thousand ideologists in Belarus what they see as the main purpose in their taxpayer-funded job.

The procedure is fast, visitors say.

Economist Leanid Zaika says Belarus is not benefiting in full on Russia sanctions, because it uses outdated trade methods.