Tamara Savich

Patients in cardiology wards in Minsk have to spend several days in corridors to wait for free beds.

Nyasvizh District Executive Committee has refused to buy a new car for the chief after Euroradio's phone call.

Euroradio journalist Tamara Savich has noticed that ticket collectors already have new season tickets.

Euroradio compares the income of ordinary families in Russia and Belarus.

The President of the National Bank says she spends half of the money on charity.

However, they will not be prevented from listening to the President's greetings on TV.

For example, the state requires more than 1 thousand euros of taxes for the 16 thousand euros received from people for treatment of sick Sasha from Baranavichy.

A mythic apartment rented by Euroradio correspondent grew $100 more expensive in 30 minutes due to real estate agents...

Minsk water authority is satisfied but says that the Israeli use even less water!