Tamara Savich

The income came from selling shares. A Minsker filed a declaration with such sum to the tax inspection.

Vitsebsk Province Executive Committee has announced a car insurance tender for the head of the committee – 90 million roubles!

Air conditioners on the facades of ministerial buildings must be removed under the new rules.

Prohibition for import of Belarusian pork is a measure to prevent dissemination of the possible disease.

Ministry of Economy remains calm despite growing stockpiles of unsold goods in Belarus.

The experts predict stable decrease of the inflation level, in accordance wit the government's plan for the year.

Meanwhile, a milkmaid gets about Br 7 million!

However, he does not work overtime, his secretary says.

Unknown people have pasted the road sign "Passing Prohibited" by "Pessimism Prohibited" in Independence Avenue next to KGB headquarters in Minsk