Tamara Savich

Belarus National Bank chairmawoman Nadzeya Yermakova says her agency will continue the policy of gradual devaluation of national currency.

The teams tell Euroradio a player needs four sticks a month and one stick costs $200, under the Belarusian Sports Ministry standards.

Yet, the payback is the same in both capitals – about 50%!

Minsk's drainage system gives up to heavy rains.

The dole is almost 20 thousand rubles less per person against high compensations for sacked public servants last year.

A kilo of pork costs up to Br84 thousand in Poland's Białystok against Br140 thousands in Minsk.

The president apparently was not shown around the unfinished 8th, 9th and 10th floors of the new hotel at the opening ceremony.

Belstat has registered a decrease in the number of the poor and the increasing standard of living.

Euroradio asks voters about their choice of candidates on the second day of the early voting.