Pavel Sviardlou

Photo: The Jamestown Foundation
Photo: The Jamestown Foundation
Belarusian DPM Uldzimir Syamashka reacts to Seimas' resolution which treats Astraviec NPP as a national security threat.
Minsk during the 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship. Photo: Euroradio
Minsk during the 2014 World Ice Hockey Championship. Photo: Euroradio
The world ice hockey championship will return to Minsk in 2021. Euroradio looks back at 2014 in pictures and numbers.
Aleh Larychau a day after beating. Photo: Euroradio
Aleh Larychau a day after beating. Photo: Euroradio
Aleh Larychau was severely beaten 3 weeks ago. His art community Signal is usually the first to report social graffiti in Minsk.
Volunteer Yuliya Hrankova was found guilty of illegal dissemination of information via a mass medium - her social media account.
This map depicts the sites of executions - now buried under schools, a cinema, residential buildings and even an ice rink center.
Several people were detained in Minsk after Lukashenka's statement about a 'militants' camp' near Asipovichy.
Protesters end up locked up for days under the template rulings even when police witnesses get caught on contradictions in court.
Euroradio explains what it means for people after Lukashenka suspends his Decree No 3 for one year.
Graffiti keep appearing in Minsk.