Pavel Sviardlou

Euroradio has tried to find a program, according to which Belarus is going to solve currency crisis.

Banned officials are convinced that they have been blacklisted unfairly. However, they are not willing to claim the Council of the EU's decision.

The National Bank "corrected" the rouble rate by its regulation on May 23, like 2 years ago during devaluation.

"Yunatstva" coach has told how he encouraged the team before the game against Slovenians by phone, and why there is "much money and little sense" in our hockey.

Belarusian legioner of "Wisla" (Krakow) says it was a conscious decision to attempt at “Lechia”s goal from 52-meters: “I saw the goalkeeper came out too far!”

Such results for such money is a shemae for a European country, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Pressball" Uladzimir Berazhkou thinks.

Belarus national team has lost twice on end at the Ice Hockey World Championships.

The judge who was "blacklisted" after the trial against Atroshchankau, Malchanau and Novik got a higher category.

The stool from a Belarusian kitchen with a map of the trip that was more than 10 thousand kilometres long has finished its travel in ocean waves a year later.