Pavel Sviardlou

Baranavichy inhabitants gave their signatures to a candidate. And then they confirmed that the signatures were illegal. Then they signed again.

The rejected deputy contenders’ appeals are being considered by the Central Election Commission.

Mikalaj Pobal won the main tournament of the European poker tour in Barcelona.

While part of the team jumped on the grass with a ball, others went shopping.

The conscious Belarusians love it to wrap in a wite-red-white flag and go to visit the neighbours.

The "Lyapis Trubetskoy" new program was played almost fully for 10 thousand viewers of the fest "Zaxid-2012", two weeks before the world premiere.

“The father” of the Law on Mass Actions, Anatol Hlaz, claims that taking pictures is not a picket. However, policemen says that there is "a million of nuances".

Head of the Public Council for Morality heard about Marylin Manson but did not see his videos or performances. So, he doesn't want to make a hasty judgement.

Alyaksandr Puhachou found out about the Olympics only when he was awarded with the Belarusian national team's uniform.