
Belarusian filmmakers will gather in Warsaw /, sample photo

Belarusian filmmakers will gather in Warsaw /, sample photo

For three days, Warsaw will become the center of Belarusian cinematographers.
Брытанскія сцяжкі / Британские флажки / Еўрарадыё

British flags / Euroradio

British symbols and landmarks may disappear during English classes in Belarus schools in a latest anti-Western move.
At the border between Poland and Belarus /

At the border between Poland and Belarus /

Lukashenka suddenly changes rhetoric and wants better relations with the European Union.
Over the last three years, Belarusian courts have ordered the arrest of Belarusians for their views more than 13 thousand times /

Over the last three years, Belarusian courts have ordered the arrest of Belarusians for their views more than 13 thousand times /

Belarusian courts imposed fines worth over 1.6 million US dollars in politically motivated administrative trials.
Italy / pixabay

Italy / pixabay

European Commission recommended this after Russia invaded Ukraine.
Чэрап маманта / Череп мамонта / кадр з відэа МНС

Mammoth skull / Screenshot from EMERCOM video 

Divers found them in the Besiadz River.
Падчас сустрэчы прадстаўнікоў Офіса і кіраўніцтва ПКК / Во время встречи представителей Офиса и руководства ПКК /

During a meeting between representatives of the office and the KR leadership /

Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
Maksim Zyaziulchyk / SBU
The Russians were tougher, using grenades and beating people badly.
Still from the film "Chronicles of Modernity"

Still from the film "Chronicles of Modernity"

Movie was later hastily removed but Belarusian security forces claim they had downloaded it.