
My Songs is made of Sting's super hits in new interpretations. Tickets prices start from 75 BYN.
Information Minister Aliaksandr Karliukevich / Euroradio
Information Minister Aliaksandr Karliukevich / Euroradio
State TV channels in Belarus are ordered to have at least 30% of Belarusian content in the monthly programming output.
Svetlana Alexievich / Euroradio
Svetlana Alexievich / Euroradio
The Nobel laureate reckons that both the authorities and opposition do not like their own people.
A screenshot from the Russian TV comedy show
A screenshot from the Russian TV comedy show
Russia's NTV channel could not leave the warming in Belarus-U.S. relations unnoticed.
First Vice-Premier Dzmitry Krutoi says Belarus always wanted to buy Russian crude at prices not higher than the global rates.
A peaceful protest against integration with Russia in December 2019 / Euroradio
A peaceful protest against integration with Russia in December 2019 / Euroradio
BAW's December 2019 poll shows a significant drop in the number of Belarusians supporting a union with Russia.
Belarusian Information Minister Aliaksandr Kaliukevich / CTV
Belarusian Information Minister Aliaksandr Kaliukevich / CTV
Nearly 10 000 books and brochures were published in Belarus in 2019.
Aliaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin / TASS​
Aliaksandr Lukashenka and Vladimir Putin / TASS​
President Lukashenka says "the moment of truth has come" as his meeting with President Putin is "highly likely."
Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei / Euroradio
Belarusian Foreign Minister Uladzimir Makei / Euroradio
Belarus has two candidates to serve as the ambassador in Washington but the names are yet to be confirmed.