Artsiom Martynovich

The municipal housing committee offices' employees complain that janitors either fail to appear at work or get drunk.

Meanwhile, Moscow diggers get arrested. Belarusian diggers speak about the objects their Moscow colleagues failed to reach.

The union state literature and art prize is 125 times bigger than the presidential “Sports Olympus”.

He feels bad and even misses walks.

Euroradio has asked passers-by what could make them refuse from sex.

Euroradio has interviewed passers-by about Kavalyou and Kanavalau’s sentence.

Euroradio watched how and why they restored the old buildings in Minsk, with a historian and an architect (photo).

A young specialist will have to pay the bank 2.5 million roubles a month after graduation.

The driver of the Toyota has been taken to hospital.