Artsiom Martynovich

The pro-government union promises holiday spa as bonus, while an independent one promises legal support.

Krasnaselskiya Karyery have been closed for tourists this year because ‘the pits are 50 metres deep and there are bacteria in the water’.

The political prisoner stood trial in Shklou colony #4 on May 4 and was returned guilty of violating the colony rules.

Cultural figures and artists believe that the EHU has become a commercial institution and no longer serves Belarus.

Her son is going to bring her back to Minsk.

Fires may bring radionuclides to the territory of Belarus.

In Minsk, the festival will host 100 trips, in the regions - tens.

For 20 years she lived in the house that the university now considers a dormitory.

Neither students nor candidates for the EHU presidency know the details of the election.