Artsiom Martynovich

The new record - 17 thousand rubles for a dollar, the euro is worth almost 19 thousands.

The unemployed in Belarus are not in a hurry to pay the 'parasite' tax of Br3.6 million despite a 10% discount.

The tricolor also appeared in Salihorsk where a Russian delegation was received on July 3.

The campaign will kick off on July 23 when signatures can be collected. The registration of candidates is scheduled for September 6-15.

An initiative group that will support Mikola Statkevich at the presidential election has been created.

They are going to ask the Constitutional Court to assess the law.

A school in Minsk hosts a workshop forum for Belarus ideology workers who watch all is good in the country.

The steering committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy will gather in the Tractor Plant Palace of Culture on June 13.

The administration of the bar Red Pub that organised the party called Russian Spirit says that the incident is ‘a mistake’.