Ales Piletski

See also the new videos of preparation and the organizers' comments.

The state leader promised to do this on Monday.

The journalist's 10-day term of detention in KGB prison has ended today, on July 23. However, the investigation has been prolonged.

The girlfriend of the realtor who let a flat to the director of the Swedish Studio Total was released after an interrogation.

10 days has passed but KGB has not released the realtor who let a flat to them in Minsk. Euroradio has found the agency.

According to Euroradio, Swedish journalists contacted the photographer. Surapin mentioned his contacts with Swedes in social networks.

They promised to let him off 4 p.m. but the guy has not been released so far.

The photographer was detained on July 13. His relation to the Swedish teddy bears is being checked now. Anton's mother has visited KGB today.

Participants of the campaign "HR defenders for fair election" Valyantsin Stefanovich and Aleh Hulak have told about this.