Ales Piletski

Lukashenka seeks controls over information channels and experts suggest there is still room for further restrictions.
The Minister of Internal Affairs has commented on the detention of oppositionists for Euroradio.
Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich admits that mass confiscation of motorbikes is retaliation for the accident with the inspector.
International Atomic Energy Agency head praises Belarus' nuclear ambitions at the 8th Atomexpo - Belarus forum in Minsk
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka went on an surprise official visit to Istanbul on April 13.
The bomb that went off at Kastrychnitskaya metro station five years ago killed 15 and injured 387 people.
A full day of temperance would undermine alcohols sales, officials in Baranavichy say to explain only half a day of soberness.
According to the IISEPS, the head of state has one of the lowest ratings in history, while only two opposition leaders have more t
57.8% of Belarusians think that the annexation of Crimea by Russia is ‘the return of Russian lands and restoration of historical j