Ales Piletski

Alyaksandr Lukashenka made a lot of statements on January 15. Euroradio has checked whether they were true.

The girl has not called the police and refused to follow them.

The "state treason" suspect from Navapolatsk has remained behind bars for two months.

The state institute of application software systems has won the tender.

Euroradio has found this out in the Investigatory Committee.

Lahoisk blast, execution of Kanavalau and Kavalyou, "teddy bears landing" and other news which occupied people's heads in Belarus in 2012.

A hit with an ice axe, sliding down the threshold on shields and losing consciousness - extracts from policemen's evidence in court.

A great traffic jam occurred in Bahdanovich Street.

"Detainees' relatives thought that HR defenders should be blamed for arrests, and shouted to us on the phone:"You are fascists!"Tatsyana Ravyaka recalls.