Ales Piletski

He believes none of the opposition structures can collect 100K signatures, and Mikalai Statkevich should be nominated single candidate.

The ex-coach of BATE and Kuban has shared his opinion in the programme Football Time on Belarus-5.

National Bank of Belarus sells US dollars for as much as 15,412 rubles. Economists are convinced there is room for more.

Radzkou has a lot of ‘assistants’ in Belaya Rus, deputy head of the civil association Alyaksandr Shatsko told Euroradio.

They also advised users of social networks and bloggers against violating the law.

Five key things to know about the Eastern Partnership summit in Riga this week. Who will eventually represent Belarus?

The Ministry said the letters about violations were not warnings - rather notifications about the inadmissibility of violations of the media law.

Despite the same result, the presidential elections in Belarus are constantly evolving. The CEC spoke about how they will change this year.

Most of the money will be used to pay salaries of the election commissions members.