War in Donbass

Militants continue to deploy heavy artillery in their assault on Donetsk Airport.

The Foreign Affairs Council will have to present a report about the way the Ukrainian conflict is being settled by the time.

The commander of Donbass battalion Semyon Semenchencko signs contracts with retired US commandos to train Ukraine's National Guard troops.

They were simply not allowed to approach the Russian ‘humanitarian convoy’ heading for Donets Basin.

Almost 500 passengers of the cruise ship Ocean Majesty have visited Crimea annexed by Russia.

The line is being built along the whole line of the confrontation with terrorists and Russian troops.

They are going to sue Ukraine in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.

They are unlikely to return to Belarus for fear of repressions, one of the organizers of the Pahonya detachment in Ukraine Igor Guz said.

Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko makes a speech in the Congress during his visit to the United States.