War in Donbass

The information has appeared on the official website of Brutto.

Meetings in support of the imprisoned Ukrainian pilot are being held worldwide.

The worsening situation and a great number of people killed near Mariupol are the reason for the meeting.

The OSCE monitoring mission's initial assessment of crater showed that the impacts were caused by Grad and Uragan rockets.

They keep defending the buildings that can still be used for defense.

Samantha Power has commented on Putin’s ‘peaceful’ plan of settling the conflict in Donets Basin.

They have been defending the airport for 242 days. All the buildings have been destroyed and ‘the cyborgs’ have decided to retreat.

The educational institutions on the occupied territory of Donets Basin have been recommended switching to distance learning.

14 people have been injured in the blast near the local court. A hand grenade exploded there, some sources report.