Andrei Makarevich visits Byaroza District his parents descend from

A famous Russian rock musician and TV presenter Andrei Makarevich has visited Byaroza District. His paternal ancestors (the branch of his father Vadim Makarevich) descend from there (the ancestors of his mother Valentina Shmuilovich were from Vitsebsk Region). He has talked to local inhabitants and visited a few villages – Paulovichy, Malech, Pershamaiskaya and the station “Byaroza-Kartuzskaya”. The “Republic” newspaper informs that Andrei Makarevich’s grandfather Ryhor Andreyavich Makarevich was born in Paulovichy in 1886. The family fled to Russia during the First World War as refugees. Ryhor Makarevich lived in Moscow and his son Vadim was born there (Andrei Makarevich’s father). He became a famous architect.