Alyaksandr Lukashenka

Victoria Lukashenka is trying to get a gold medal at school.
President Lukashenka met Kazakhstan's leader Nazarbayev to discuss how to boost economic trade, according to official reports.
President Lukashenka makes clear who the state will support and stresses political views are of no importance.
The Belarusian President and the pontiff met in the Vatican on Saturday.
On May 21, the Vatican hosted a meeting of the head of Belarus and the pontiff. It lasted 40 minutes.
They have gathered at the 40th meeting of the CIS security councils in Minsk.
President Aliaksandr Lukashenka will pay an official visit to Italy and Vatican on May 20-21.
President Lukashenka is expected on May 20 in Rome to meet Italy President Sergio Mattarella and Pope Franсis.
The Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs will also meet with Uladzimir Makei.