Italy suspends 'golden visa' program for Belarusians and Russians

Italy / pixabay

Italy / pixabay

Italy suspends the "golden visas" program for citizens of Belarus and Russia, reports the Italian newspaper Affaritaliani. The move comes almost 1.5 years after European Commission recommended to do so immediately after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The 'golden visa' is an opportunity to obtain a residence permit in the country through investment. Belarusians could get a residence permit in Italy after buying real estate or making a large investment or donation.

The European Commission believed that such programs "could and would lead to privileged access to the territory and the internal market of the European Union and to movement within the Schengen area of citizens of Russia or Belarus who are or will be subject to EU sanctions."

More than a year ago, the Commission suggested that Italy and other EU member states suspend these programs for Russians and Belarusians. The recommendation stressed that the possibility of entering Italy should not be jeopardized for those citizens of Belarus and Russia seeking international protection in the EU.

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