Fines for website owners over silence about deleted information on narcotics

Уладальнікаў сайтаў збіраюцца штрафаваць за маўчанне пра выдаленую інфармацыю

Website owners in Belarus wll be punished with fines for failing to report to the Ministry of Information about deleted informaton on trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances. Self-employed entrepreneurs and legal persons will face a fine in the range between 20 and 50 base rates (Br420 000 - 1050000). Physical persons will have to pay up to 100 base rates (up to Br2100000), MP and member of National Security Commttee Vasl Aleksyenka (pictured) told reporters on May 12.

The deputies yesterday studied the amendments on this matter and others (including fighting corruption) proposed by Interior Minster Ihar Shunevich.