Zmitser Dashkevich

Lawyer Maryna Kavaleuskaya met with him.

Andrej Sannikau urged to save Zmitser Dashkevich through his lawyer and told that he was threatened with death during transportation.

One of the colony's guards says that some prisoner was convoyed there at night on September 27.

The political prisoner wants to see his lawyer as soon as possible.

He was supposed to be delivered to the pre-trial detention center No. 2 in Vitsebsk.

Father of the "Young Front" Vice-Chairperson Nasta Palazhanka Uladzimir has expressed his worried in this regard.

Representatives of the Department on serving punishments do not exclude that he may file a request for pardon.

Famous people appealed to the head of the Department on Serving Punishments.

The political prisoner has informed his lawyer about it today, on September 13.