Young Front hoists white-red-white flags in central Minsk (Photo, video)

Маладафронтаўцы вывесілі бел-чырвона-белыя сцягі ў цэнтры Мінску (фота, відэа)

Young Front members hoisted white-red-white flags in Minks on the morning of December 8.

The action began at 9 a.m. Young Font members started walking from the Main Post Office towards Kastrychnitskaya Square along Independence Avenue. They had hosted 25 white-red-white flags before they reached Kamsamolskaya Street.  

The action was dated for the 25th anniversary of the Collapse of the Soviet Union, Zmitser Dashkevich said. The CIS creation agreement was signed in the Belavezha Forest 25 years ago.

The police detained journalists filming the action near KGB and started checking their documents. The check-up took a long time.

Policemen started removing the flags at about 9.20 a.m.